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Glacial progress has been made on the MGB throughout December and January. I think I must of been there twice now altogether. If you recall the engine seemed seized and I was planning on taking it out. I was convinced to at least fill in with diesel to loosen it up and get a breaker bar to see if I could loosen it. A working engine is better even if I don’t plan to use it.

This is not ideal
So I visited the start of Jan and filled it with diesel with every intention of coming back a few days later. 2-3 weeks later (today) I finally got back there, breaker bar in hand. Still though, the engine will not budge at all. In fact when giving it the full beans, all that was happening was the engine flexing in it’s mounts, which is a pretty good sign this engine is very well stuck together.
And so, to dismantling. Today I got the oil cooler and radiator off. The oil cooler is made of aluminium which meant that when trying to disconnect it on the oil cooler end, all that happened was that I bent the stub of the connection due to metal softness. Disconnecting the two pipes at the engine and oil filter ends proved much easier.
The plans are still the same – a rover carb fed v8, preferably an SD1 manual gearbox along with it. Great interior, fair amount of bodywork to make it more bulgy and curvaceous and awesome colour.
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